Display auto botom
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Display auto botom

Display auto botom Display auto botom Display auto botom Display auto botom

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Attractive Display Box Auto Bottom

Display Box Auto Bottom is a form of modern packaging with pop up appeal. They are mostly seen in supermarkets, chain stores, exhibitions, trade shows. It helps to utilize small space. These boxes are mostly used by exhibitors and companies as a marketing tool for the promotion of their brands.

A delightful way to boost your sales

As they are light weight, economical and portable, companies prefer to use them to market and advertise their product despite having low budget. Some of the various materials used in making of these boxes are cardboard, ivory board, Kraft, art paper and offset paper. The uniqueness and captivating nature of these boxes attract customers and in turn, increases the sales of the company.

Display Box Auto Bottom can be customized to any of the various sizes and shapes and are known as custom popup display boxes. These waterproof boxes come in flat, semi or 3D packing. These custom boxes with special effects can catch anyone’s eye.


Customer Service Information

If you are looking for the printing of custom boxes for your business or personal use and want some unique shapes and custom made boxes then, the boxes printed by us are made right for you.

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